Power PK 70 VS Unique UD 70 Comparisons

Power PK 70 is the newer bike offered by the Super Power Bike Company’s partner. It is a 70cc bike having a 4-gear transmission. Unique UD 70 a 70cc bike manufactured by the D.S Motors. Unique UD 70 is one of the most selling China 70cc bikes in Pakistan. The price, specifications, and fuel mileage comparison of Power PK 70 vs Unique UD 70 is given below.

Power PK 70 Unique UD 70
Rs 108,000 PKR 126,500


Specs / Features Power PK 70 Unique UD 70
Engine Type 4 Stroke OHC, Air Cold Single Cylinder 4-Stroke Single Cylinder Air Cooled
Displacement 78 cc 70 cc
Bore & Stroke 47.0 – 41.4 47.0 – 41.4
Compression Ratio 8.8:1 9.2:1
Clutch Wet Plate Type Wet Type Multi-Plate
Transmission 4-speed 4-speed

Power PK 70 VS Unique UD 70 Comparisons

Starting Kick Start Kick Start
Frame Back Bone Type Strong Body Backbone Type
Dimension (Lxwxh) 1885 1880
Ground Clearance 145 mm 135 mm
Petrol Capacity 9.2 L 9 L
Tyre at Front 2.25 – 17 2.25 – 17
Tyre at Back 2.25 – 17 2.50 – 17
Dry Weight 80 KG 90 KG

The Power PK 70 and Unique UD 70 are both prominent motorcycles in the 70cc category, popular for their affordability and fuel efficiency. The Power PK 70 is known for its reliable performance and sturdy build, making it a preferred choice for daily commutes. On the other hand, the Unique UD 70 stands out for its sleek design and slightly better fuel economy, appealing to riders who prioritize aesthetics along with functionality. Both bikes offer great value, but the choice between them often comes down to personal preferences regarding style and brand loyalty.

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